quarta-feira, outubro 11, 2006

O que sao aqueles pontos?

Pumba: Timon?
Timon: Yeah?
Pumba: Ever wonder what those sparkly dots are up there?
Timon: Pumbaa. I don't wonder; I know.
Pumba: Oh. What are they?
Timon: They're fireflies. Fireflies that uh... got stuck up on that big... bluish-black... thing.
Pumba: Oh. Gee. I always thought that they were balls of gas burning billions of miles away.
Timon: Pumbaa, wit' you, everything's gas.
Pumba: Simba, what do you think?
Simba: Well, I don't know...
Pumba: Aw come on. Give, give, give .. Well, come on, Simba, we told you ours... pleeeease?
Timon: Come on, come on... give, give..
Simba: Well, somebody once told me that the great kings of the past are up there, watching over us.
Pumba: Really?

5 comentários:

Anónimo disse...

Sabes bem sabes...

Anónimo disse...

isto fez.m lembrar eu tu e a rafa no comboio a cantar! lool momentos com piada!

Niusha disse...

Sei sei...

Anónimo disse...

esclareçam.me uma duvida muito importante...
Chipmix chocolate de leite ou chocolate preto?

Niusha disse...

Morre Carlota.